Scholarship Fund

The transition from high school to college is a tough transition for any student, but for low-income and first-generation students, it can be nearly impossible. Fortunately, thanks to donors like you, we have been able to grant over $1.7 million in scholarships over the past 15 years.

Help us continue our efforts by donating today!

Meeting Student Needs

Student and Parents have received consistent services and support from SCCC for the past 21 years.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, Cal-SOAP intensively served 572 high school seniors. A total of 2821 6th-12th grade students benefited from one-on-one Cal-SOAP services.

Our Community Impact

“Being a first-generation student, going to college is hard. My elders have no college experience so they assumed it would be easy, but it’s not. It’s like walking onto a plank, blindfolded without anyone there to guide you.
Thankfully Cal-SOAP helped me.
I have no idea where I would be without them.”

Maria Marquez

“Cal-SOAP does so much for their students overall and have done so much for me in the past. This program is definitely a must and I am so glad to have joined it so early on in high school.”

Natyeli Guzman

“I never truly knew how much college expenses could strain my family’s’ financial situation. I come from a low-income family; any financial assistance helps me take one step closer to achieving my dreams. Programs like South County Cal-SOAP have presented me with many of the opportunities that I have been grateful to have.”

Edith Vasquez

Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Garcia graduated from Gilroy High School in June 2021. He has four younger brothers, his first language is Spanish, and he applied for Cal-SOAP services upon entering the 10th grade. Daniel is a few days from finishing his final exams at SDSU and coming home for the holidays. He is the first in his family to attend college and is an SCCC scholarship award recipient.

Moving to college wasn’t an easy process for Daniel. When he arrived at San Diego State University after leaving his small town of Gilroy, he imagined the joy of having freedom, but rather was faced with the dread of homesickness. His homesickness progressively got worse, and that feeling of loneliness led him to wanting to drop out of university. He called up his family, informing them on his wanting to leave school. As he started the process of dropping out of university, he was contacted by people encouraging him to stay in school, one of those individuals being their South County Cal-SOAP advisor. His advisor reminded him of his dream of nursing, and made him feel seen and heard. His advisor then went on to contact the local Cal-SOAP in his new area, who then got into contact with an advisor at SDSU to help him re-enroll and stay in his nursing program. “Although I mainly chose to stay for nursing, I also chose to stay for my future, for personal success, and for the individuals that looked up to me, and most importantly for my parents who were never given the opportunity to go to a four-year university.”

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290 I.O.O. F. Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020

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