Cal-SOAP provides academic mentoring at high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. Our staff is paired with a credentialed teacher in order to provide extra assistance for students in the class.
We provide after-school academic mentoring for a majority of our high schools and middle schools. The program is a “drop-in” model in which students are not assigned to our staff, but are able to receive our services if they choose to do so.
Our Cal-SOAP College Success Coaches offer one on one assistance to our students. College and career awareness, grade checks, financial aid, and A-G Requirements are reviewed on a monthly basis. 1-2 Advisors are assigned per High School and Middle School for the purpose of frequent check-ins with our students.and.
Cal-SOAP offers an affordable 4-week SAT/ACT prep program. Individualized SAT/ACT coaching and advisement is also available.
Working together with "CROSSWALK Test Prep & Tutoring", Cal-SOAP staff assists 10th and 11th-grade students with both strategy and content. Other resources used are Khan Academy, Naviance, Collegeboard, ACT, practice tests, and academic tutoring to name a few.
Our College & Career exploration program combined with math skill building prepares students for a successful transition towards middle and/or high school.
Credentialed Teachers
Elevate [Math] Curriculum
College Tours & Workshops
5.0 Elective Credits (9th grade only)
Every fall semester Cal-SOAP presents and informs parents and students on the financial aid application process for the FAFSA & CA Dream Act. These workshops are provided at each member high school and mainly attended by High School juniors and seniors prior to the onset of the financial aid season.
Between October 1st and March 2nd High School seniors and families are offered FREE Cash for College workshops in their respective schools to complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act (CADAA) application to access financial aid for education and career/technical training.
Each year our Cal-SOAP graduating seniors who are planning to attend a 2-yr or 4-yr college or university may apply for the South County Cal-SOAP Scholarship. Applications are available each year in December and due in March.
In addition, we help students to secure additional financial support by assisting them in locating and applying for other academic and need-based scholarships.
Each academic year students have the opportunity to attend a Cal-SOAP-sponsored College Fair. College Fairs are free to students and their parents and provide the opportunity to interact directly with representatives from over 50 colleges and universities.
290 I.O.O. F. Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020
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